Perfect introvert night out for an already introvert-enough night out

For introverts like me, if there was one social activity we would choose over any other social activity would be to go to the cinemas.

Once you sit in your seat and the movie starts, you don’t have to talk to anybody for the next two hours. Three, if you’re lucky. Score! But the best part is you are still spending time with other people. Talk about win-win.

Now the only thing that could possibly get on the nerves of an introvert is the strangers sitting next to you. But here is the perfect solution, drive-in cinema. Watch a movie in your own car with only the people you are comfortable with.

Park your car to get the best view possible and adjust the frequency of your radio and you are good to go.

Stay safe inside your private bubble and enjoy the show! 

Author: Yun Na Kim
