The Royal Botanic Gardens

Are you a nature lover or love talking long walks? The Royal Botanic Gardens is the place for that. According to the The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney website this garden is 30 hectares which is located right in the city and was established in 1816 which makes it the oldest institution in the country that consist of a large variety of plants from Australia and overseas. Not only is this a beautiful garden it also has many tours, walks and a running trail.

The tours that are provided are the Aboriginal Heritage Tours, where everyone can learn about the rich  and diverse aboriginal culture and history. An Aboriginal guide who will explain the different uses of plants, tasting bush food and artefacts.

There is also a free 1.5 hour guided walk to explore the large amount of plants and the best places to visit in the garden are:

  1. Macquarie Culvert and Wall.
  2. Wollemi Pine.
  3. Cadi- Jam Ora- First Encounters.
  4. Glasshouse Latitude 23 and Fernery.
  5. Agathis Robusta and Palm Grove.
  6. Bottle Tree.
  7. Children's Fig. 
  8. Wurrungwuri Sculpture by Chris Booth.
  9. Australian Rockery. 

But the most scenic tour is the Choo Choo Express,  which goes around the Botanic Gardens while stopping at 4 stops where anyone can hop off the train at any stop they want. For more information please visit this website The Choo Choo Train info.

Looking for place to run with a scenic view? The Domain Running Trail is the ideal track for that, it is a pulsating space where people come to enjoy events, runs, play and chill. It is one of the most scenic locations which includes the iconic views of the Sydney Harbour, The Opera House and the Harbour bridge.

For more information about the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney please visit: 
By: Deelaka
