Enjoy winter during summer

Sydney is known for their hot summers! With the sizzling hot days waiting to bombard us soon everybody is gearing up to do those usually summer activities. Let's admit it, everybody has thought at least one time in their lives, I want to live inside my fridge. Well the good news is you can! Maybe not forever but for a few hours. For anybody who wants a winter twist during summer check out ice skating. It's similar to that majestic sport called figure skating that delivers amazing aesthetics.

But for us average people, it is a way of cooling off during the hottest days of Sydney's summer. Of course ice skating is a great social activity all year round. Regardless of when you go just make sure to bring along a friend that is a little bit less coordinated than yourself. At least that way you won't have to worry about being the clown.

Ice skating rink locations in Sydney

Author: Yun Na Kim
